When Those Shadows—Children of Doubt, Fear, and Uncertainty—Always Cling to Our Hearts
Like the boulder's unchanging size, life's challenges remain constant, but how we view and relate to them can transform dramatically with a shift in perspective.
Like delicate origami creatures folded from our psyche's paper, our shadows dance as manifestations of doubt, fear, and uncertainty. These internal shadows we carry within are our most formidable adversaries. Like morning mist, these self-crafted specters wrap around our essence, becoming as familiar as our reflection, as steady as our heartbeat in life's endless dance.
Unlike physical shadows that appear only in the presence of light, these metaphorical shadows possess a peculiar quality - they manifest most strongly in our darkest moments. They permeate every aspect of our existence: they walk with us during daylight hours, persist through the night, infiltrate our dreams, colour our thoughts, and influence our interactions with others. Their omnipresence stems from their origin within our own minds, emerging from the depths of our thoughts, emotions, and deeply held beliefs. These shadows possess an extraordinary resilience, continuously affecting our peace of mind and emotional well-being, making their dissolution a particularly challenging endeavour.
Like shadows dancing on cave walls, my inner demons have taken countless forms, each one born from the echoes of loss reverberating through time. When I crossed oceans to plant roots in Canada, these shadows grew longer and darker, stretching across the unfamiliar landscape of new customs, unknown tongues, and a shifting sense of self. Layer by layer, like paint on a haunted canvas, these experiences added depth to my internal artwork of shadows, creating a complex masterpiece of light and dark. Now, the real artistry lies not in erasing these shadows, but in learning to dance with them - to find grace in their presence and wisdom in their company.
I propose an approach centered on gaining perspective - not necessarily focusing on finding the "bright side," but rather expanding our view to encompass the larger picture. Consider this analogy: when standing directly beneath a massive boulder, its imposing size can feel overwhelming and immovable. However, if you observe that same boulder from a drone's perspective or from an elevated vantage point, its apparent size diminishes significantly. While the boulder's physical dimensions remain unchanged, your perception of its magnitude transforms dramatically. This shift occurs because you're now seeing it within its broader context, understanding its place within the larger landscape.
This analogy teaches us that while examining the minutiae of our life's challenges is important, equal value lies in maintaining awareness of the broader context. Viewing our situation from an elevated perspective often reveals new insights and understanding. Sometimes, this requires developing the ability to view our life as if we were an outside observer - creating a mental duplicate of ourselves to gain a fresh perspective. This approach can lead to remarkable shifts in how we perceive our circumstances.
While life's challenges - our difficulties, pains, and troubles - remain constant in their existence, just like the unchanging size of the boulder, our relationship with these challenges can transform dramatically through this shift in perspective. This transformation can make our burdens feel more manageable and open pathways to experiencing joy. It's crucial to remember that we are meant to experience joy, even as we acknowledge the importance of challenging emotions. Sadness and difficulty serve valuable purposes, helping us develop a comprehensive understanding of life from all angles.
When our burdens begin to feel overwhelming, we must consciously elevate our perspective – metaphorically climbing to that mountaintop or building to gain a broader view. This shift in viewpoint can bring fresh understanding and often results in a diminished sense of pain from our troubles. I've witnessed this transformation in my own life, dealing with significant challenges that I choose to keep private out of respect for personal boundaries.
I also discovered that movement and dance became powerful catalysts for shifting my perspective about my own pain and struggles. Through the expressive nature of dance, I found a unique way to process emotions and transform difficult feelings into something beautiful and meaningful. As an illustration of this transformative journey, I'm sharing a video that captures one of my most memorable dance experiences - a spontaneous performance in the pristine wilderness of the Yukon Territory. Despite the challenging conditions, with temperatures plummeting to an extreme -40°C, the raw beauty of the moment and the freedom of movement helped me transcend physical discomfort and connect with a deeper sense of joy. Enjoy:
My personal journey toward positivity and inner peace, achieved through the transformative practice of gaining new perspectives, has brought profound healing and an unexpected sense of tranquility to my heart. Through consistent dedication to this approach, I have discovered and nurtured a sacred, untouchable space within myself - a sanctuary where joy flourishes naturally, where past difficulties lose their sharp edges, and where daily challenges appear through a more balanced and manageable lens. This profound transformation has taught me an essential truth that resonates deeply: we all possess an inherent right to experience joy in its purest form. This joy isn't limited to mere entertainment or fleeting moments of pleasure; rather, it manifests as a powerful, transformative force in our lives. Like a skilled physician administering precise treatment, joy serves as a natural medicine for our wounded spirits. It functions as a form of therapy, working quietly but persistently to heal our deepest hurts. Indeed, joy represents something far more profound and significant than most of us initially realize - it's a fundamental force for positive change in our lives. The vital insight I've gained through this journey is that the key to accessing this transformative joy lies in our ability to view our challenges from this expanded, more enlightened perspective.
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Thank you, Gurdeep. Very timely for me as I shift my perspective about mental health. A shift from supporting students, to myself; it's hard to embrace the shadows, sometimes.
❤️So timely! Thank you for letting us read your work for free. When I can contribute, I will.❤️