Great read! I loved this quote in particular "Apart from inducing temporary sadness - an emotion I've come to realize is of significant importance - vulnerability no longer holds the sway it once did." Embracing vulnerability has become somewhat of a superpower of mine. It gives me so much insight into what needs tending to in my life.

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We have so many references to violence and war in our language that we use them without thinking when talking about overcoming odds in our own lives. Thank you Gurdeep for showing another way to communicate our desires and emotions. We don't have to 'kick butt' or 'kill it' to gain power over our problems. You offer peaceful solutions to regaining control of ourselves so that we won't harm others who share this planet.

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Thank you for sharing Gurdeep !

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When I go for a walk in the wild of nature it quiets my over active imagination which leads my mind to darker places such as self doubt. Natures perfect imperfections truly remind me of what is really important. The birds singing, the rush of a spring breeze makes me feel free from the imposing world.

When I’m in nature nothing matters anymore, what I mean by that is, I realize that the natural state of my happiness is connected to the earth and its real miracles.

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The little girl in blue shiny pants sure is a terrific energetic dancer! Enjoyed your article once again! Thank you! I know I don’t allow myself to be vulnerable in front of others, if I can help it. That’s why I’m usually smiling and laughing with family & friends when really I have severe chronic depression and other illnesses. I won’t allow myself to be vulnerable. But good for you that you learned to trust yourself & others to be vulnerable from time to time. And learn from it. Wishing you all the best, Gurdeep!

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Routine is the key. I recently started swimming for fitness after years of sedentary living, and I found that after 3 days not at the pool, I became very sad and depressed! 3 days seems to be the start of it. I mention this as a caution to others, don't overdo and then stop... start easy and keep going to prevent an endorphin crash.

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Particularly needed to be reminded of this today, thank you.

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Very well articulated and I so agree with you. Long walks in the park, by the water, through the cemetery, in the city have always left me in a more happier and lighter mood. In the beginning, it feels very challenging but when you pass that point after 20-25 minutes then it feels like you’re flowing like a wind without any effort. Thoughts get in sync and many wonderful things unfolds.

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