Apr 1Liked by Gurdeep Pandher

I lost my mom yesterday morning…thank you for this kindness and wisdom. I am navigating the dark and this is a point of light.

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Apr 1Liked by Gurdeep Pandher

Thank you for your article! I never thought of having a relationship with my severe chronic depression, embracing my emotions. I’ll have to try that.

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Mar 31Liked by Gurdeep Pandher

This part resonates: "However, in such moments, I firmly believe that instead of rejecting or suppressing these emotions, it's of paramount importance to build a relationship with them." Indeed, that relationship with our feelings helps us to see the whole part of our being. I feel better when I know myself. When I acknowledge the complex entirety of my personality I can make allowances, forgive, delight (even be proud) and thus give myself permission to be. Thanks Mr.P.

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Mar 31Liked by Gurdeep Pandher

Dealing with the loss of a loved one can be very challenging but as you said, it’s an emotional process and healing takes time and patience. Your words are the lighthouse and I really appreciate that you share them with all of us. 🌸🙏🏽

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Mar 31Liked by Gurdeep Pandher

Thank you very much for sharing your wisdom with us.

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Mar 31Liked by Gurdeep Pandher

Thank you for this wonderful article and for all your joyful dancing. Hope you are enjoying your time back home.

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Thanks, Sarah, for your warm feedback! Yes, I am enjoying my time here in my village.

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Mar 31Liked by Gurdeep Pandher

Your joyful dances remind me that joy isn't the same as happiness! Happiness is so transitory and is influenced by things outside of ourselves. Joy is so deep - and can't be changed by the changes and chances of our world! Thank you for your joyous reminder!!

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Yes, Susan! Joy is so deep. It goes beyond just happiness. Thanks for your kind feedback!

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