I find that some people need to blame others for their own self inflicted misery, so when someone highlights the negative in a person or group this empowers the narrative that people need to justify their negative views of others. Instead of looking at themselves to find a way out of their misery they would rather indulge themselves in this fantasy created by people or organizations that want to dominate mankind by sowing their seeds of division. When we are lost in our own misery we tend to believe the stories that are suggested to us because our minds are not free to question or look at things logically or critically, instead we are lost in our own distress. When we are lost in our haze of misery we must look to ourselves and ask ourselves the questions that will provide us the answers that will finally open our minds to our true reality.

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Hello Nick, you've perfectly captured the root causes of many issues in our modern world. I agree that instead of questioning ourselves, we find it far too easy to identify faults in others. Thank you!

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I’m happy in Canada! 🇨🇦

The sky was blue today and the roads were dry ! 4’ snow banks. We can’t complain! It’s my countdown to Spring! 😊🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦

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Thanks for your message, C. McGill! I agree that the signs of beautiful spring are around the corner and we are all excited for it.

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Thanks you for this message. May the universe bless you!

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Thank you for your kind feedback!

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This really captures what's going on with everyone right now. Thank you for always giving us hope and a way to happiness!

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Thanks, Valerie, for sharing your kind thoughts!

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Really excellent writing, especially your points about how quickly we can identify and fear problematic people in the "other" group, while completely overlooking similar problematic people in "our" group.

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Dear David, I appreciate what you've written. It's remarkable that we've reached the moon, yet we still confine ourselves within our own groups and separate ourselves from others.

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Oh Gurdeep I so appreciate your email and video. Thankyou for sharing your kindness and joyous dance amongst the trees of my homeplace. Every Blessing of kindness and humanity I share with you dear faraway friend.

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Thank you, Cathy, for reading it and sharing your words! I appreciate it very much.

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Wow! Excellent article, Gurdeep! Thank you for the insights on political & religious manipulation. I never caught on but now that you’ve pointed out the so called tricks they use, I can see it clearly. YOU HAVE MY VOTE! Take care!

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Thank you, Sarina, for your unwavering support and thoughtful feedback!

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Thank you.

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just what i needed today. thank you.

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Thank you, Dana!

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"All the chaos in this world, who is responsible for it?"

I asked my Spiritual Master, Saint Scholar Giani Naranjan Singh Ji, many years ago.

The Master replied, "2 classes of people who live by the principle of divide and rule. One is politicians and the other preachers."

The following illustrates the difference between a preacher and a Spiritual Master -

A Muslim lady asked my Spiritual Master, Saint Scholar Giani Naranjan Singh Ji, Shiromani Kathakar, "What is the difference between Islam and the Sikh religion?"

The Master replied, "There is no difference."

The lady was astounded at this reply and asked, " Master, how can you say this?"

The Master replied, "My daughter, I say this, simply because the Truth is One. It is only our form of worship which is different."

Politicians and Preachers highlight differences between peoples and religions.

Truly Spiritual Masters highlight similarities between peoples and religions.

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May you have peace, happiness and be safe. ❤️

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