I cannot agree more!

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Very well put. It’s very sad that war has happened many times in the past and disaster has been encountered by only common people. Power driven and ego centric leaders need to learn compassion so that they do not put innocent lives on stake for their temporary pleasure.

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Yes I do agree. No human being should die because of power struggles they can't have any word to say about. Thank you for spreading ideas of peace and positivity.

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Dear Gurdeep, Thank you for this beautifully written commentary. I agree 100% with all you expressed. I feel that God is not on the side of any party in any war -- God is only on the side of peace. God is love, after all. Peace to you today and every day.

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I feel the a big problem with Canada started in 2006. The day the Canadian Government recognized Québec as a nation within Canada. We have a province that has a national holiday celebrating in June. We are becoming tribal and fragmented. It breaks my heart.

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Subliminal seduction has always been the tool of choice for agencies of deception.

Just like marketing schemes this seduction indiscriminately targets our fears , hopes and desires preying on our human frailties.

The violent strife in our world has been strategically developed to sow fear and uncertainty for all people and cause people to retreat to their “tribes” for safety , familiarity and commonality. Here people feel a false sense of safety closing themselves off to others in order to protect themselves.

Our own insecurities fuel the propaganda machine that has been operating in our subconscious minds selling false narratives benefiting the cunning.

Our choices must be made without the influence of others , rather they should be made looking inside ourselves and our own expectations of how we wish to live and be treated.

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With great respect I call you, 'Lord of the Dance' Gurdeep. I read your message quietly to myself, then read it out loud to my sight impaired 95 year old special mom. She said afterword, "Each of us has to fight prejudice in our own way." I have thought of myself as Canadian, but since my twenties I have been practising global citizenry. "However, it is crucial to remember that we are all residents of this planet we call Earth. We all belong to each other." Your words of planetary harmony must be repeated over and over until we humans get it right. Yes, we belong to each other. Peace and Joy be with you my friend.

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Thank you Gurdeep, and thanks to you , I now fill my heart with Love, pour a bunch out and fill up a bucket, and then I send it straight to one of the worlds "leaders" hearts that needs it most.

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Labels, whether they be religious, ethnicity, nationality, or many others, carry way too much significance in our world. We are all humans. Labels can so easily divide us by offering the opportunity for 'othering' of people different from ourselves.

My dream for the world is that we begin to come together and speak of our similarities, our humanness, and our desire to live lives filled with happiness and peace, no matter where we are from, our spiritual beliefs, what country we live in, or what color our skin is.

Your contributions are helping this dream of mine, Gurdeep! Thank you.

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Wowza Gurdeep this was so thought provoking. I am so glad you wrote this. It really made me stop and think about it. This is my first newsletter from you and I am so glad I signed up. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I agree with you and will continue to spread your words. Such a joyful soul and it comes from so deep within. Thank you again for helping me to see things differently. The video was beautiful.

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You are quite correct that religion, patriotism, nationalism are tools to gain control. The motive to use those tools is to a large extent economics, i.e. greed. In pre-industrial times it was monarchies increasing their domain, these days it's corporations manipulating politicians. Right now electing politicians with integrity and backbone to stand up to corporate greed is the best tool at hand to steer in the direction of coexistence, a tall order given the influence money has over the electoral process.

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Oh, sir this is such a thought provoking article. I completely agree with you. Thank you for your wise words.

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This is well written, how could we put the puzzle together if all the pieces were the same? Thank you for the shared enlightenment I hope the best to you and commend your efforts on and off the internet

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Your video has special meaning for me as person born in Scotland I recently discovered my connection to India. That being my paternal grandfather who was born in Punjab in 1912.

This video makes my heart swell with pride.

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Gurdeep, the video with the bagpiper that you linked to in your message does not play for me. Just wanted to let you know. I hope that you are well and safe. Saw your video about leaving (apparently permanently?) your cabin in the Yukon. Seemed a sad parting but in pursuit of a new future. Wishing you peace, health, and joy.

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A most timely message, Gurdeep. Many thanks!

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