Thank you for your compassionate heart, your success, message of acceptance of the not so desirable emotions that accompany life as well as to find Joy, hope and positivity Gurdeep through dance, music and writing 🕺🎶✍️❤️ You are an inspiration! Change is in the air for SO many now! Blessings and Best Wishes

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Such a beautiful segment! And the video fills my heart! Positivity ❤️

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By reflecting on sadness, you spread joy. Thank you!

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Hi, Gurdeep! Thank you for your article! I’m wishing you all the best in finding a suitable apartment. Please tell me why sadness is mutual, and the quest to find joy is mutual too. Have a good day!

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It’s a lovely post along with a beautiful picture. It’s very true that sadness is constant and it’s everywhere. The form and degree varies … My family and I are also going through some tough times at the moment and all of us are hoping that things will soon get better. I was with my family for a month and half, being with and around family gives you different kind of strength but when you’re alone you have to look for it. I gather my strength and hope from your posts. I just wanted to say a Big Thank You to you for being there for everyone who was in need. Wishing you best for everything! 🙏🏽

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Someone has probably already asked you... but why are you leaving the Yukon? You've been an inspiration to me to find joy even in harsh environments.

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well, I don't know you, never met you, but I love you! Good message!

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Your posts are always a ray of sunshine. Thank you so much.

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Very wise words. I am feeling sadness due to the death of a very dear friend. But I also find joy in going into my garden, feeding the birds and wildlife. In looking at nature. Of walking and thinking of my friend and all the good times we shared.

It is all part of the circle of life. We would not appreciate happiness if we did not feel sadness, however tough that is when it happens.

Blessed be. 💜🧡

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